In former Exhibitions the Liberal Arts have
usually occupied space in buildings devoted to other departments. At
the World's Fair of 1904 a nine-acre building in the extreme eastern part
of the grounds is devoted to the various exhibits classified as Liberal
Arts. The Building cost $475,000. In this magnificent palace
the visitor will find such interesting objects as models of famous
lighthouses, the great coin collection from the British Mint, exhibits of
fine photography, an extensive display of musical instruments. China
makes a large collective display which includes ancient books and
carvings, rare trophies from the Chinese temples, fantastic Chinese armor
and weapons. Graphic arts are also installed in this building.
Modern printing machinery of all kinds is in operation. An engraving
plant and lithographic presses are shown. Another exhibit shows the
development of the typewriter. Germany makes an exhibit of fine
printing, specimens of photography, maps and models. The great organ
in the Festival Hall is classified as one of the exhibits in Liberal Arts.
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