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The Naturalist's
12th - Red tailed hawks perch along highways.
16th - Peak number of Bald Eagles gather near impoundments and rivers.
22nd - Wildlife browse on saplings.
23rd - Watercress found around springs.
2nd - Groundhog Day
4th -Danger; spring fire season if no snow
9th - Maple sap flow at peak now
21st - Turkey vultures arrive from the south.
23rd - Chipmunks are through hibernating.
24th - Walleye spawn through April
1st - State park trout openers.
3rd - Wild turkeys gobble through April.
5th - Bluebirds nest.
7th - Red maples start to bloom.
9th - Great blue herons arrive this month.
19th - White bass spawn.
20th - Spring Equinox - First day of spring.
21st - Red morel mushrooms appear.
24th - Redbuds bloom.
25th - Phoebes return.
6th - House wrens arrive.
7th - Robins and other songbirds build their nests.
8th - Redhorse suckers spawn.
9th - Look for common morel mushrooms.
13th - Copperheads emerge this week.
14th - Pawpaws bloom.
15th - Whippoorwills call, wild turkeys gobble and ruffed grouse drum.
20th - Oaks bloom.
22nd - Ruby-throat hummingbirds arrive
28th - Turtles cross over roads.
6th - Cuckoos return.
12th - Bluebird's second nesting this week.
13th - Begin watching for lightning bugs.
20th - Stinging nettle is mature enough to sting.
23rd - Blackberries bloom.
26th - Coyote pups begin venturing from their dens.
3rd - Peak hatch of wild turkeys.
4th - Whitetail does start dropping fawns.
8th - Elderberries bloom.
9th - Bobwhite quail hatch at its peak.
11th - Yuccas bloom.
- Summer Solstice -
First day of summer.
25th - Bluebird's begin final nesting event.
8th - Black-eyed susans bloom
11th - Fall webworms begin web-building; they feed until September.
15th - Rattlesnakes hunt mostly at night.
17th - Katydids sing.
20th - Blackberries ripen.
22nd - Blazing star blooms on prairies and roadsides.
28th - Wild plums ripen.
1st - Purple Martins gather for fall migration.
13th - Hummingbirds begin migrating.
17th - Ground squirrels gorge for hibernation
21st - Elderberries ripen.
25th - Whitetail bucks rub velvet off their antlers.
8th - Hazelnuts ripen.
9th - Monarch butterflies migrate in large numbers.
15th - Sassafras, sumac, and Virginia creeper show fall colors.
17th - Hickory nuts ripen and fall.
23rd - Fall Equinox - First day of autumn
29th - Pawpaw fruit ripen.
1st - Archery deer season opens.
11th - Average first frost in north Missouri
15th - Average beginning of fall's peak colors for central Missouri.
20th - Average first frost in central Missouri.
24th - Average end of fall peak colors in central Missouri
25th - Standard Time Returns.
7th - Pecans begin to ripen.
14th - Firearms deer season opens.
19th - Put up bird feeders.
6th - Red Foxes mate this month.
10th - Bald Eagles arrive at major impoundments and rivers.
18th - Gray squirrels breed now through February.
21st - Goldfinches, cardinals, titmice, chickadees and nuthatches at
22nd - First day of Winter solstice
24th - Christmas Eve
25th - Christmas Day